Our smallest is one today! Ellie was convinced that now she was one she was going to be able to walk and talk and spent the first few minutes of the day trying to explain to Phoebe what she was doing wrong.
She has received much loot, Moon bases Ride on mice, dolly's & phones, but by far the best present was the big box...actually at the moment the phone is winning
After a nice day she was made a cake by her big sister. It had to be star shaped as Phoebe is a star we're informed.
So a fruity, carrot cake infused with maple syrup and butter icing later Ellie and Amelia produce this!
Dear readers there are no pictures that follow this. Phoebe's first encounter with cakes and sugar was...interesting.
She spent the rest of the evening through her bath and into her bedtime giggling at just about everything.I have a feeling we're going to pay for that tonight or tomorrow with the comedown.
However a nice day was had by all.

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