Saturday, 4 August 2012

Apologies and Advertisements

Sorry for being such a lazy blogger lately, I'm still awfully sleepy* at the moment but hopefully things will pick up soon.

In the meantime might I offer some other blogs which, depending on your interests, you might like to read.

Tales From Foxglove Cottage is a blog by my surrogate big sister the wonderful Wendy, about books, causes, tea and life in general.

Sparkletigerfrog is by the awesome Amanda and is described as "sustainable food and pretty things".
It is also covered in bees.

And lastly Metaphors and Mammaries is a new blog by the not-very-alliterative** Nicky about breastfeeding and probably a few other things as and when they bug her.

May their creativity and dedication district you from my pathetic output.

*Largely because Phoebe has decided the hours between seven PM and eight AM are meant to be spent playing rather than sleeping, hopefully this will resolve itself once her teeth cut and she can get some sleep

** But still exceptionally cool.
Nice just doesn't cover it.


  1. Thank you! :) I'll put you on my list of links when I next fiddle with my blog :)

  2. Also, as a home-educating mother of two, you really don't have to apologise for lapses! :)
